What is Spravato®

SPRAVATO® is a FDA approved treatment option for depression added to your current treatment plan including an oral antidepressant medication. Often, there is a rapid (can be as little as 24 hrs) antidepressant effect making it a unique tool. The initial course of treatment is twice a week for four weeks then generally once a week.  It can be continued 2 to 4 times a month for maintenance, for as long as it is needed.

A patient-friendly overview of the Spravato treatment process.

How it is administered?

SPRAVATO® is nasal inhalation self-administered at our office under our healthcare providers supervision. It’s FDA approved for adults 18 years and above. It does require in office observation for 2 hrs for medical monitoring before you can return home. Once administered, you should not be driving or operating any equipment for the remainder of the day. For your safety, we require you have someone assist transporting you to and from your appointments. After a good night sleep you can drive and return to normal activities.

SPRAVATO® Patient Testimonials


SPRAVATO® helped Nicole’s treatment-resistant depression. Now, she’s resuming her education and sharing her story.

Allison’s son tried many oral antidepressants without relief. Now, because of SPRAVATO®, Allison’s son is starting to feel like himself again.

For more information about SPRAVATO®, please visit www.spravato.com

More About SPRAVATO®

Studied in adults with treatment resistant depression.

Taken with an oral antidepressant.

In a clinical trial, after 16 weeks of therapy, patients who continued SPRAVATO® treatment were less likely to experience a return of depressive symptoms than those who stopped therapy.

Nasal spray you self-administer under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Greater reduction of depressive symptoms at four weeks (compared to those who received a placebo and oral antidepressant).

Tell your healthcare provider if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Client Resources

SPRAVATO® TRD Client Guide