Whole Minded

Today, we're thrilled to launch "Whole Minded," an innovative podcast that delves into the realm of mental health through personal stories and professional perspectives.

"Whole Minded" spotlights real-life mental health experiences, allowing listeners to connect with relatable stories. Each episode features personal accounts, followed by insights from mental health experts, providing a comprehensive view of the challenges discussed.

Hosted by Gavin Feller, "Whole Minded" aims to foster understanding, empathy, and reduce mental health stigma. Subscribe now on Spotify and embark on a journey toward better mental well-being.

Ashley's journey through depression was a battle that spanned her teenage years and college life, but it was the onset of postpartum depression after the birth of her first son that truly tested her resilience. Despite her valiant efforts, which included experimenting with different medications and various coping strategies, the weight of her depression proved overwhelming. In a desperate moment, Ashley found herself at a crossroads, culminating in a suicide attempt that led her to a psychiatric ward in a hospital.

In the years that followed, Ashley faced a rollercoaster of ups and downs in her quest for mental well-being. It was a journey fraught with challenges and setbacks, but amidst the darkness, a glimmer of hope emerged. Ashley stumbled upon a treatment called TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) that would become a turning point in her battle against depression.

In this episode of Whole Minded, we delve deep into Ashley's remarkable story of resilience and recovery. Her journey from the depths of despair to discovering the transformative power of TMS is an inspiring testament to the human spirit's capacity for healing and growth. Join us as we unravel Ashley's path to reclaiming her mental health and finding hope in unexpected places.


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